Dexter Creative

Collection Of My Work

Gold Ivy Health

The goal was to create an in-captivating video that helps these incredible health coaches reach new clients. 

And it worked!

Flying Horse Ranch

Use this space to add more information about the work you've shown above. This l layout is perfect for behind the scenes studio photography.


VenQ Needed an engaging video to promote their new all in one Venue management program. Happy to say, this is just what they needed.


FamJam hired me to film a concept video for an upcoming family time management and organization app.

We thing it turned out great!

I’ve filmed for Conscious Content since their conception and it’s allowed me to tell a wide variety of stories that turned into internationally award winning documentaries.

When faced against the darkest obstacles it becomes imperative to find the strength to push through. We are witnessing no shortage of darkness around the world; it’s many forms weigh on our society, and for many, the burden has become to much to bare. From those impoverished by the systems stacked against them to those who have survived trauma, we find a people voiceless in asking for help. Education, awareness and compassion will be the central mentality of our organization. Our storytelling will allow others to see the world around us for what it is, and will give us the opportunity to share tools of knowledge with those who may not have otherwise had access to grow and heal.

Living Well After Trauma

A hidden epidemic affects nearly ten percent of the American population daily and for those it grasps, hope can seem like a distant dream.

In a message of hope, the film provides an opportunity of support to so many who may be struggling through difficult mental health conditions; and by means of storytelling will offer a platform for education, discussion, and healing of one of the most common diagnosis in our country. By combining the expertise of Neurologists, Psychologists, and other experts, with the experiences of Survivors and their families, Light in the Darkness will reintroduce PTS to the national conversation at a time when trauma and mental health are meant to take center stage.

An estimated 8% and growing of Americans will experience Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTS) at some point in their lives. PTS is a disorder where something major and traumatic happens, and after that major event, it creates a change in your life. Most people associate PTSD closely with Military Service; however, many experiences are capable of causing traumatic reactions through any individual. The symptoms from this occurrence causes ripples throughout a person’s life.

Saving Companion Animals

A Rescue Story, addresses the problem of animal euthanization in the United States every year. (ASPCA) This is principally caused by the over-crowding of traditional shelters, the under-funding of traditional shelters, along with those shelters being required (often by law) to take animals, the lack of outlets for animals who are struggling to find homes, the difficulty placing animals with special needs, and lack of time, resources, and raining in traditional shelters to overcome these needs, and by people acquiring animals from pet stores / puppy mills instead of adopting a rescue. In the film we show that there are many solutions to this national issue. We educate the audience by showing how increasing funding for traditional shelters when possible can make a huge difference. Not only that, but organizations can encourage training shelter employees to deal with troubled animals, making them easier to adopt. We also encourage people to adopt animals from shelters, rather than turning to breeders and puppy mills.

Our film follows the lives of several different pets and along the way meet tremendous stories of triumph and of tragedy for these rescued animals. We visit municipal shelters, pet stores, non-profit organizations, animal sanctuaries, prisons and follow the stories of individual pet owners to show the radical way animals are treated, as well as the radical ways they change their owners’ lives. With an inspirational tone we call the audience to action, as the solution to the animal crisis begins with each of us.

Are We the Experiment?

How long has it been since you last checked your phone? 5 minutes? 1 minute? 10 seconds? Did you imagine that last vibration? In 2021, that smart phone of yours – is a fixture of you – and for many in our world, they don’t even know escape is an option. Digital addiction is a hidden epidemic among us, and it has our society in a vice grip. Modern society is affected by the revolution of the smart phone in many difficult ways ranging from abuse of digital use, depression, changing family dynamics, serious hinderances to development in youth, and even total technological dependence on the devices. According to Pew Research Center, 77 percent of U.S. adults own a smartphone, and adoption has more than doubled since 2011 and that rapid adoption has created numerous social and health problems within our society. Our film “Tethered” addresses the trends surrounding the dependency on our smart devices, educates on the scientific reasons why this is happening, and promotes a platform for all of us to finally overcome this seemingly entrapping companion to our regular life.

Redefining the Social Contract

If there is one thing that nearly all Americans do, it’s work. We spend nearly 90,000 hours of our life doing it and in many scenarios, that experience can be stressful, mentally and emotionally taxing, or may even lead to depression. Fortunately, the modern landscape of corporate culture carries numerous leaders and role models whom trail blaze a path for all employees to find true health and happiness at their jobs. Modern corporate wellness programs are proven to improve employee behaviors, reduce elevated health risks, reduce health care costs, improve productivity, and even decrease absenteeism. These factors each can correlate directly to a happier relationship between the employee and employer. With the possibilities to create a better life for those they serve presented to them, perhaps employers around the country will adopt these essential programs.

The Global Mission to Clean Water

How can one company work together to build cleaner and healthier futures for our communities across the world? It starts with a simple mission: to Destroy PCBs and Other Toxins from our environment to ensure clean access to water for all. Our film follows the journey of Clean Tech companies as they go from Patent to Planet-Savers in over the course of a year. These companies face challenges with the status quo in everything they do because clean water, the essence of life, determines the sustainability of our future.

Marvel Manufacturing

A long term project in which I filmed each product model that Marvel MFG makes. These videos were used for sales and training around around the globe.


Hired to film police and emergency workers as they come up with a solution to dealing with mental health calls that bog down our 911 call centers.

Flyway Highway

I was hired to film and edit 5 seasons for this nationally broadcasted program. We traveled the country filming episodes in Canada, Maine, Dakotas, Wisconsin, Arkansas, Texas, and Louisiana.

Breakthrough Fuel

I was hired to film a training seminar for some of the United States largest gas and oil distribution companies.